Upcoming events.

Seaweed in October
Possibly this years final workshop will be held at Derrynane Harbour, Caherdaniel and White Strand, Castlecove. Email us to book a place.

Junes Workshop
There is a new moon in June and a seaweed workshop we be held on Sunday the 18th at 10am derrynane & Castlecove. Please call or email John to book a place.

June's Seaweed Walk
Learn about the plethora of edible seaweeds, their historical and present day uses in the medicinal, culinary, agricultural and cosmetic industries. John will lead you on a gentle stroll around two stunning locations here on the Skellig Coast.
Call John or email us
Seaweed Workshop in May
Visit two locations at Derrynane and Castlecove and learn all about seaweed’s rich history, about it’s culinary, medicinal, agricultural and cosmetic uses. #seaweedworkshop #seaweed

Easter Saturday Seaweed Workshop
Join us this Easter at 2 locations around Caherdaniel and explore our diverse coastline.
Saturday 8th 11am

Spring has sprung and seaweeds are in bloom. 2023 first workshop will be in Derrynane/Castlecove on the 25th of March